WKWebview implementation in iOS swift


I want to create a webview that can contain close button as well as webview to load the content. 


import UIKit

import RxSwift

import RxCocoa

import WebKit

class MyVC: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate  {


    @IBOutlet weak var closeBtn: UIButton!


    @IBOutlet weak var previewWeb: WKWebView!

    var url:URL?

    var disposebag = DisposeBag()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        previewWeb.uiDelegate = self

        previewWeb.navigationDelegate = self

        self.closeBtn.tintColor = .white


            .drive(onNext: { [weak self] in

                self?.dismiss(animated: true)

            }).disposed(by: self.disposebag)

        if let myUrl = url {

            if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {


            } else {

                // Fallback on earlier versions

                self.previewWeb.loadFileURL(myUrl, allowingReadAccessTo: myUrl)






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