Male and female radio button with label in cell iOS swift


I want to add radio button in cell with values as Male and female.And i want to add an action that will show only if male selected then female wants to be unselected.

How can i achieve that?


In cell i had the below code.


            cell.maleBtn.isSelected = true

            if let detail = newdetails {

                if let gender = detail.thegender, gender == "male" {

                    cell.maleBtn.isSelected = true

                    cell.femaleBtn.isSelected = false

                } else if let gender = detail.thegender, gender == "female" {

                    cell.femaleBtn.isSelected = true

                    cell.maleBtn.isSelected = false



The above code will get the last selected value and set in cell



                    .when(.recognized) // This is important!

                    .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] _ in

                        guard let self = self else { return }


                        newdetails?.Gender = "Male"

                        self.DetailTV.reloadSections(IndexSet(arrayLiteral: section.gender), with: .none)

                    }).disposed(by: cell.disposebag)

while label tapped then action will be updated in the above code because if user tap on the label then it will be worked



                .drive(onNext: { [weak self] in


                    self?.newdetails?.Gender = "Male"

                    self?.DetailTV.reloadSections(IndexSet(arrayLiteralsection.gender), with: .none)

                }).disposed(by: cell.disposebag)

Male button action is added above




                    .when(.recognized) // This is important!

                    .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] _ in

                        guard let self = self else { return }


                        self.newdetails?.Gender = "Female"

                        self. DetailTV.reloadSections(IndexSet(arrayLiteralsection.gender), with: .none)

                    }).disposed(by: cell.disposebag)

while female label tapped then action will be updated in the above code because if user tap on the label then it will be worked



                .drive(onNext: { [weak self] in


                    self?.newdetails?.Gender = "Female"

                    self?.DetailTV.reloadSections(IndexSet(arrayLiteralsection.gender), with: .none)

                }).disposed(by: cell.disposebag)

FeMale button action is added above


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