set section and row to UIButton iOS swift


I'm using button in UITableview cell.Tableview had section and rows.I want to get the section and row from button.If i'm using tag then i can only set section or row to button.How to get both section and row from button?


private struct AssociatedKeys {

    static var section = "section"

    static var row = "row"


extension UIButton {


    var section : Int {

        get {

            guard let number = objc_getAssociatedObject(self,   &AssociatedKeys.section) as? Int else {

                return -1


            return number


        set(value) {





    var row : Int {

        get {

            guard let number = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.row) as? Int else {

                return -1


            return number


        set(value) {





You can directly set the section and row to the button

myBtn.section = tableview.section

myBtn.row = tableview.row


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