UILocalNotification in swift3

You can create a common method to trigger LocalNotification in swift.In that, You can pass the parameters fireDate, NotificationTitle, User data.fireDate - Which time the notification wants to be Triggered.Notification Title - You can send the title what you want to be shown to the user
UserData - You can send the data as a dictionary formats with key values to the user app and based on the data you can navigate the user inside the app.

     func showNotification(detail:String,day:NSDate,Sound:Bool,notificationData:NSDictionary) {
            let notification = UILocalNotification()
            notification.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local
            notification.userInfo = notificationData as? [String: AnyObject]
            notification.alertBody = detail 
            notification.alertAction = "open" 
            notification.fireDate = firedate as Date        
            if Sound {
                notification.soundName = "sound.mp3"



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