Combine Date and Time into a Single Date iOS Swift 3

I had written a common method for combined date and time because if you set one date with only date and another one with Time only then if you want to combine both into a single date then follow the code
    func resetTime(forDate:NSDate,timedate:NSDate) ->Date {

        let df = DateFormatter()
        df.dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy"
        var resultdate = Date()
        if let dateFromString = df.string(from: forDate as Date)) {
            let hour = NSCalendar.current.component(.hour, from: timedate as Date)
            let minutes = NSCalendar.current.component(.minute, from: timedate as Date)
            if let dateFromStringWithTime = hour, minute: minutes, second: 0, of: dateFromString) {
                let df = DateFormatter()
                df.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z"
                let resultString = df.string(from: dateFromStringWithTime)
                resultdate = resultString)!
        return resultdate


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