Menu popover from bottom to top sliding iOS swift


I want to show popover from bottom to top sliding like material design.How can i achieve that?


First need to add expanding menu in pods and install it.Then proceed with the below code.

import ExpandingMenu

    fileprivate func configMenuButton() {

          let menuButtonSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)

           menuButton = ExpandingMenuButton(frame: self.myBtn.frame, image:"ImgName", rotatedImage:"ImgName")


          self.view.bringSubviewToFront(menuButton) =

          var menuItems:[ExpandingMenuItem] = []

          for i in 0..<OptionsList.allCases.count {

              let menuItem = OptionsList(rawValue: i)

              let item1 = ExpandingMenuItem(size: menuButtonSize, title: menuItem?.title, image: (menuItem?.image)!, highlightedImage: (menuItem?.image)!, backgroundImage:"img", backgroundHighlightedImage: "imgSelected") { () -> Void in

                  self.didOptionSelection(index: i)


              item1.tintColor = (menuItem?.bgColor)!




        menuButton.clipsToBounds = true


//While click on menu the below function will be called

func didOptionSelection(index:Int) {

You can easily achieve that with above code.


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