Eventstore permission error on iOS 17


Event store permissions are to be like that below in previous versions of iOS but in iOS 17 it shows an exception.

                    eventDB.requestFullAccessToEvents(completion: {(granted, error) in

                        if granted {



        let eventDB = appdel.eventStoreNew!//EKEventStore.init()

        if #available(iOS 17.0, *) {

            eventDB.requestFullAccessToEvents(completion: {(grantedEvent, error) in



            eventDB.requestFullAccessToReminders(completion: { (grantedEvent, error) in

                if grantedEvent {


else {

            // Fallback on earlier versions


            eventDB.requestAccess(to: .eventcompletion: { (granted, error) in

                if granted {


            eventDB.requestAccess(to: .remindercompletion: { (grantedEvent, error) in

                if grantedEvent {




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