Push Notification certificate to backend team iOS swift


For push notification you have to give push notification certificate also private key to the backend team for pushing notifications to apns server using device token

First you have to create push notification sandbox/production certificate in app store connect portal.Before you have to create you have to open keychain access in our mac

And select keychain access-> request a certificate from certificate authority then use mail address and select save to disk.After generate certificate will be downloaded and saved to your keychain.

Then use the certificate to create push certificate in portal.

After that download the certificate and open it will be saved in keychain access.

After that right click that certificate in keychain access export then select as p12 certificate then export.

Goto the directory exported then run the below command. for the certificate that you had

openssl  pkcs12 -nokeys -in /Users/mypath/PushDevCertificates.p12 -passin pass:"Mypass"

To export as rsa key then open that and send to server team.

Then run the below command to get the RSA key

openssl pkcs12 -in DevCerti.p12  -nocerts -nodes -passin pass:mypass | openssl rsa -out privkey.pem

Send those to server team and enjoy with push notifications..


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