Dayview Limit the calender for min and max dates swift Calenderkit


I'm using calenderkit and KDCalender in my project.I want to limit the calender with min and maxdates user can able to select.


You cannot be able to set the min and max dates in calenderkit.Instead of you can restrict the user to select the date you can limit.

extension MyVC:DayViewDelegate {

    func eventsForDate(_ date: Date) -> [CalendarKit.EventDescriptor] {

        let newDate = date.localDate()

        dateSelected(date: newDate)


        return []



    func dayView(dayView: CalendarKit.DayViewdidMoveTo date: Date) {

        if date<Date() {


        } else if date>Date().addDays(daysToAdd90) {





extension MyVCCalendarViewDelegateCalendarViewDataSource {

    func calendar(_ calendar: CalendarViewcanSelectDate date: Date) -> Bool {

        if date<Date() || date>Date().addDays(daysToAdd90){

            return false

        } else {

            return true



    func startDate() -> Date {

        var dateComponents = DateComponents()

        dateComponents.month = -1

        let today = Date()

        let threeMonthsAgo = dateComponents, to: today)

        return threeMonthsAgo!



    func endDate() -> Date {

        var dateComponents = DateComponents() = 90

        let today = Date()

        let threeMonthsnow = dateComponents, to: today)

        return threeMonthsnow!




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