
Showing posts from July, 2023

UITableview avoid top pulling

 Problem: I want to avoid the top pulling in UITableview but bottom to top scroll wants. Solution:    func   scrollViewDidScroll ( _   scrollView:   UIScrollView ) {               if   scrollView. contentOffset . y   < 0 {                   scrollView. contentOffset . y   = 0               }           }

IQKeyboard manager add done button for particular text field also add done button action for that iOS swift

 Problem: I'm using IQKeyboard manager for keyboard appearance and done button.I want to change the done button title as cancel for some textfields also some textfields i want to be as done. I want to add action for done button for particular textfield. Solution:      func textFieldDidBeginEditing ( _ textField: UITextField ) {         IQKeyboardManager . shared . toolbarDoneBarButtonItemText = "Cancel" // you can compare the textfield here and change the title as per your requirement     } for done button action add the below code          tf .keyboardToolbar. doneBarButton.setTarget( self , action:  #selector ( doneButtonClicked ))      @objc   func   doneButtonClicked () { tf. resignFirstResponder () }

TableView top one space came in swift iOS

 Problem: I don't had added headers in tableview. But in iOS 15 it came as one small space above the tableview.In previous versions of iOS no space came it works perfectly. Solution: Add the below code in viewdidload to solve the above problem.    if   #available (iOS 15.0, *){               self . tableView . sectionHe aderTopPadding   = 0.0           }

Add shadow in tableview cell using cardView iOS swift

 Solution: Add pod specification as like below   pod  'MaterialComponents/ ShadowElevations' Then add extension of class as like below class   ShadowedView :  UIView  {    override   class   var   layerClass :  AnyClass  {      return   MDCShadowLayer . self   }    var   shadowLayer :  MDCShadowLayer  {      return   self . layer   as !  MDCShadowLayer   }    func   setDefaultElevation () {      self . shadowLayer . elevation  = .cardResting          } } Assign class to the view as   ShadowedView then apply the code as like below          shadowView . setDefaultElevati on ()

Use untrusted certificate of server api call in swift iOS

 Problem: I want to call api with untrusted certificate using alomafire swift. Solution:          if   let  cook =  Sessions (). getCookie () {              HTTPCookieStorage . shared . setCo okie (cook)         }           let  session:  Session  = {                  let  manager =  ServerTrustManager ( evaluators : [ "" :  DisabledTrustEvaluator ()])                  let  configuration =  URLSessionConfiguration . af . def ault                  return   Session ( configuration : configuration,  serverTrustManager : manager)             }() Instead of af.request use session.request .... Happy coding..

sdwebimage with invalid ssl certificates iOS swift

Problem: I want to load image using sdweb for invalid ssl certificate from my server. Solution:  Instead of "Uiimage" use your placeholder image          self . appImage .sd_ setBackgroundImage(with:  URL ( string : urlString),  for : . normal , placeholderImage:  "uiimage" ,options: [ SDWebImageOptions . handleCooki es , SDWebImageOptions . allowInva lidSSLCertificates ], progress: { time, times, url  in             print( "image" ,url)         })

Dayview Limit the calender for min and max dates swift Calenderkit

 Problem: I'm using calenderkit and KDCalender in my project.I want to limit the calender with min and maxdates user can able to select. Solution:  You cannot be able to set the min and max dates in calenderkit.Instead of you can restrict the user to select the date you can limit. extension  My VC : DayViewD elegate  {      func   eventsForDate ( _  date:  Date ) -> [CalendarKit. EventDescriptor ] {          let  newDate = date. localDate ()          dateSelected ( date : newDate)          self . calenderView . setDisplayDa te (newDate)          return  []     }           func   dayView ( dayView : CalendarKit. DayView ,  didMoveTo  date:  Date ) {          if  date< Date () {              self . weekView . dayHeaderView . da teSelectorDidSelectDate ( Date () )         }  else   if  date> Date (). addDays ( daysToAdd :  90 ) {              self . weekView . dayHeaderView . da teSelectorDidSelectDate ( Date () . addDays ( daysToAdd :  90 ))         }     } } extension   My

Top space came on tableview ios 15 swift

Problem:  In tableview small space came in top of the tableview.But not given in constraints.Also it came in some devices only. Solution:          if   #available (iOS 15.0, *){              self . tableView . sectionHe aderTopPadding  = 0.0         } Use the above code to remove the white space in tableview.

iOS tab bar while select one tab then not select the tab aslo slide the side menu swift

Problem: I want to create a tab bar controller with four tabs.Then after if user tabs on 4th tab then i want to open the menu also not to show the 4th tab.Instead of show the menu and previous selected as same. Solution: Add the delegate function   func   tabBarController ( _  tabBarController:  UITabBarController ,  shouldSelect  viewController:  UIViewController ) ->  Bool  {          if  viewController  is  some VC  {              menushow ( titleButton )                     return   false   // Do not switch to the side menu as a tab bar item                }                 return   true     } Also add the delegate as like below class  my VC : UITabBarController , UI TabBarControllerDelegate { } In viewdidload also set the delegate self.delegate = self Happy coding.....

Custom entry point to app without storyboard initial point Navigate from app delegate swift

 Solution: In scene delegate class change the code like below      func   scene ( _  scene:  UIScene ,  willConnectTo  session:  UISceneSession ,  options  connectionOptions:  UIScene . ConnectionOptions ) {          guard   let  windowScene = (scene  as ?  UIWindowScene )  else  {  return  }          let  window =  UIWindow ( windowScene : windowScene)          let  storyboard =  UIStoryboard ( name :  "Main" ,  bundle :  nil )          let  initialViewController = storyboard. instantiateViewCont roller ( withIdentifier :  "MyVC" )         window. rootViewController  = initialViewController          self . window  = window         window. makeKeyAndVisible ()     } Also remove the entry point from storyboard like one viewcontroller is to be in initialviewcontroller remove that and also goto target and select build settings inside that remove the main in storyboard as like below Then run the app it will works as per your requirement..Happy coding..