Dropdown with custom view swift || dropdown option with customcell in swift



    let dropDown = DropDown()

    var control:UIView! = btn.plainView

    var items:[String] = []

    for value in values {

        let name = value["name"]



    dropDown.anchorView = sender != nil ? sender : control // UIView or UIBarButtonItem

    dropDown.selectionBackgroundColor = .gray

    dropDown.direction = .any

    dropDown.dataSource = items

    dropDown.cellHeight = 60

    dropDown.separatorColor = .gray

    dropDown.cellNib = UINib(nibName"Cell"bundlenil)

    dropDown.customCellConfiguration = { [viewControl] (index: Index, item: String, cell: DropDownCell) -> Void in

       guard let cell = cell asCell else { return }


        cell.optionLabel.text = item

       // Setup your custom UI components



    dropDown.selectionAction = { [unowned viewControl] (index: Int, item: Stringin

             // Setup your after selection code here 





The above are the code for showing dropdown with custom cell

Below code is that for the cell configuration

The above is the cell and the cell connection configurations.You must have to create a label with optionLabel and connect but its not for your cell code.If you are derived the cell from drodown as like below then it will works good

import UIKit

import DropDown

class CellDropDownCell {

    @IBOutlet weak var nameBtnUIButton!


    override func awakeFromNib() {


        // Initialization code


    override func setSelected(_ selected: BoolanimatedBool) {

        super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)

        // Configure the view for the selected state




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