TextView implementation using material design iOS swift || MDCOutlinedTextArea implementation


Import the below libraries in your class

import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_FilledTextAreas

import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextAreas

import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextControls_OutlinedTextAreasTheming

Inside the class you can create the textView as like below

        let textViewCustom =  MDCOutlinedTextArea()

You can set the placeholder as like below

textViewCustom.label.text = "placeholder"

You can set the outline border color as like below

 textViewCustom.setOutlineColor(UIColor.red, for: .normal)

You can set the placeholder color as like below

 textViewCustom.setNormalLabel(.lightGray, for: .normal)

You can minimise the height of the field using below option

        textViewCustom.verticalDensity = 40

        textViewCustom.maximumNumberOfVisibleRows = 2

You can increase the height value not the fontsize and other as using below

        textViewCustom.preferredContainerHeight = 100


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