Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** _oset_getObjectsRange: range {16, 16} extends beyond bounds [0 .. 29]' coredata delete


While delete the coredata object the below error came.

"Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** _oset_getObjectsRange: range {16, 16} extends beyond bounds [0 .. 29]'"

        for var j in 0..<myobject.orderset!.count {

          let newmess = myobject.orderset![j] as! entity

          deleteMessage(message: newmess!)



Because you had tried to delete the object in one index but the array count is decremented that's the problem for exception.So you can reverse the indexes and delete the object.

        for index in (0..< myobject.orderset!.count).reversed()             {

                let newmess = myobject.orderset![index]

          deleteMessage(message: newmess!)



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