Zoom of an UIView iOS swift || Zoom implementation but subview came with blur || pinch zoom implementation with subview's zoom iOS swift


First you have to create one UIView embed in ScrollView.After that implement the scrollView delegate method like Below.

MyView is the that i want to zoom.Assign the delegate of the scrollView to self.

In ViewDidload must add the below code.

    scrollView.delegate = self

    scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1.0

    scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 10.0

    scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true

After that implement the below method

func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {

    if isZoom {

      return self.myView } else {

        return nil




    If you want to zoom the subviews of the view then implement the below

delegate method.

MyView1 is the subview of myView.You can implement to zoom more views for


  func scrollViewDidEndZooming(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, with view: UIView?, atScale scale: CGFloat) {

    myView1.contentScaleFactor = scale



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