Check that particular date you had contains the Date you give not the time iOS swift


The below code is used to compare one date contains one date not the time like if you had 21-03-2019 12:33:00 date with you and you want to check that date contains 22-03-2019 only.The below function easily did that.

call the below function using the method

                if (firstDate.dateisEqualExceptTime(dateCompare: secondDate))!
                } else {
             print("not contains")



extension NSDate {
    func dateisEqualExceptTime(dateCompare: NSDate)-> Bool {

        let cal = Calendar.init(identifier: Calendar.current.identifier)
        let originalDate = cal.dateComponents(in: .current, from: dateCompare as Date)
        let Compdate = cal.dateComponents(in: .current, from: self as Date)
        if == && originalDate.month == Compdate.month && originalDate.year == Compdate.year {
            return true
        } else {
            return false


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