How to check is UITextView is underlined or not iOS swift


You cannot have any functions to check that.But you can test it by using the below method

    func attributes(value:Int) ->NSAttributedString {
        let textV = self.TextView
        let newTextView:UITextView! = UITextView.init()
        var attrs = [NSFontAttributeNameself.TextView.font,
                     NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : value] as! [String : Any]
        var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:"")
        let buttonTitleStr = NSMutableAttributedString(string:(self.TextView.text)!, attributes:attrs)
        newTextView.attributedText = attributedString
        return newTextView.attributedText


In your textview you can check it by using the below code

            let attributedString = self.attributes(value: 1)

            if attributedString == self.TextView.attributedText! {
                self.TextView.attributedText = self.attributes(value: 0)
                btn.isSelected = false
                btn.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
            } else {
                self.TextView.attributedText = attributedString
                btn.isSelected = true
                btn.backgroundColor = UIColor.white


self.TextView is your textview that you want to check the underline


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