Create Line with arrow in iOS Objective C
In iOS you can create a Line using CGContextref.The below code is used for draw a line in a view in x1,y1, is 0,0 and x2,y2 is 20,20.
Also add the cap in the end of the line to show the line as arrow
CGPoint ePoint=CGPointMake(20,20);
CGPoint p1 = [self pointWithAngle:angle + 7.0f * M_PI / 8.0f distance:capHeight];
CGPoint p2 = [self pointWithAngle:angle - 7.0f * M_PI / 8.0f distance:capHeight];
CGPoint endPointOffset = [self pointWithAngle:angle distance:1];
p1 = CGPointMake(ePoint.x + p1.x, ePoint.y + p1.y);
p2 = CGPointMake(ePoint.x + p2.x, ePoint.y + p2.y);
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, p1.x, p1.y);
In iOS you can create a Line using CGContextref.The below code is used for draw a line in a view in x1,y1, is 0,0 and x2,y2 is 20,20.
Also add the cap in the end of the line to show the line as arrow
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0,20,20)
CGContextClearRect(ctx, rect);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, color.CGColor);
CGContextSetLineCap(ctx, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 10);
CGContextSetAlpha(ctx, 1);
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0, 0);
//add the cap
CGPoint fPoint=CGPointMake(0,0);CGPoint ePoint=CGPointMake(20,20);
CGFloat capHeight = 1 * 4.0f;
CGFloat angle = [self angleWithFirstPoint:fPoint secondPoint:ePoint];CGPoint p1 = [self pointWithAngle:angle + 7.0f * M_PI / 8.0f distance:capHeight];
CGPoint p2 = [self pointWithAngle:angle - 7.0f * M_PI / 8.0f distance:capHeight];
CGPoint endPointOffset = [self pointWithAngle:angle distance:1];
p1 = CGPointMake(ePoint.x + p1.x, ePoint.y + p1.y);
p2 = CGPointMake(ePoint.x + p2.x, ePoint.y + p2.y);
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, p1.x, p1.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, 20, 20);
CGContextDrawPath(ctx, kCGPathFillStroke);
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