Passing data between ViewControllers iOS swift

Solution 1:

In iOS it's easy to send a data from one view controller to other.If you navigate to the other view controller in that time you want to send a data to the viewController then declare a variable in the next view controller with any Data type like NSMutablearray,String,Int,Double or etc...

In the navigation time set the data to that variable like below and navigate

let secondController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as LoginViewController
secondController.array = self.array
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondController , animated: true)

In secondViewcontroller declare the array variable before the class implementation

var array :NSMutableArray!

Class LoginViewController:UIViewController {

Solution 2:

In other method you can save the data in the userdefaults and synchronize and get that in other ViewController


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