Get an upcoming date between two date iOS swift


I had two date with me fromdate and todate.I want to get the upcoming date(greater than today date).


    func getUpcomingDate(fromDate: NSDate, toDate: NSDate)-> String{
        var fromDatet = fromDate
        repeat {
            if fromDatet.isGreaterThanDate(dateToCompare: NSDate()){       
                    return dateStr
            fromDatet = fromDatet.addDays(daysToAdd: 1)
        } while (fromDatet.isLessThanDate(dateToCompare: toDate) || fromDatet.isEqual(to: toDate as Date))
        return ""

//adding the days to the date
func addDays(daysToAdd: Int) -> NSDate {
        let secondsInDays: TimeInterval = Double(daysToAdd) * 60 * 60 * 24
        let dateWithDaysAdded: NSDate = self.addingTimeInterval(secondsInDays)
        //Return Result
        return dateWithDaysAdded

//check if less than date
func isLessThanDate(dateToCompare: NSDate) -> Bool {
        //Declare Variables
        var isLess = false
        //Compare Values
NSDate().compare(dateToCompare as Date) == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending {
            isLess = true
        //Return Result
        return isLess


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