CORDOVA Commands for Phongap

Here below are the commands in phonegap for step by step creation and execution of project.

Install phone in the Mac:

$ sudo npm install -g phonegap@latest

It will show some set of command lines for installation.

Create new project in Phonegap:

$ sudo phonegap create mynewApp

The above command will create myApp as an app name and proceed with that.If you want create an app with bundle identifier also the proceed with the below commands.

$ sudo phonegap create mynewApp --id "org.companyname.mynewApp" --name "mynewApp"

After that enter into the folder and then add the platforms

$ cd mynewApp

Add the platform:

$ cordova platform add ios

$ cordova platform add android

The above commands are adding the platform in the cordova project

Add the plugin

$ sudo cordova plugin add pluginName

For plugin name we can use the plugin to install and deploy the project

Build the project:

$ sudo cordova build ios

The above command will build the iOS platform in the cordova project.


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