
Showing posts from August, 2024

Instructions integration with tab bar and cell in iOS swift

 Problem: I had integrated Instructions pod in my project.I want to integrate instructions in my project with tab bar with instructions as well as if cell available then show.Otherwise not show with cell instructions. Solution: The   below code will be used for get the frame for tab bar icons and collectionview header icon focus instructions. import  Instructions      var coachFrames:[CGRect] = []       var coachStrArray:[String] = []       //       #   MARK: - viewDidAppear       override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {               addDemoFrames()           }       //       #   MARK: - add frames       func addDemoFrames() {               DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter( deadline: .now() + .seconds(1), execute: {                   self.coachFrames = []                   self.coachStrArray = []                   if let topController = UIApplication. topViewController() as? TabBarVC {                       let itemCount = topController.viewControllers. count                      

SiriExtension Interaction donation failed: Error Domain=IntentsErrorDomain Code=1901 "Cannot donate interaction with intent that has no valid shortcut types iOS swift

 Problem: I had tried to integrate sirikit on my project.Interaction donation failed: Error Domain=IntentsErrorDomain Code=1901 "Cannot donate interaction with intent that has no valid shortcut types The error code shown as above while try to run.How to solve that? Solution: Try to change your parameter to lowercase in your siri intents file ,then it will works. For example If you are created parameter Create new suggestion as a hint with parameters as "Title and Description" then change that to "title and description" then it will works fine.

Change project version no in general.But not updated while try to archieve.How to resolve?

 Probelm: Change project version no in general.But not updated while try to archive. It was working on some projects and not working for me to this project. Solution: You can solve it by clear the xcode derived data, clean and build the project.If not resolved then try the following. Goto info.plist then check if updated.If not then update here and try to archive it will works fine.

System data has huge data - How to remove in Mac?

 Problem: System data has huge data.How can i delete the data and recover my spaces in my mac?. I had tried to delete xcode caches and other things but i'm not able to resolve. Solution: clear the the data inside the path that not used with device id you can find from xcode->menu->window->devices and simulator-.>simulator then it will show the identifier. You can check with the below device list and find the unused old one. you can remove the old and unused simulator data in the path to delete /Users/yourMac/Library/ Developer/CoreSimulator/ Devices. Because the xcode keeps the old simulators on the above path but it's not used in the new xcode. So it has huge data with unused.You can remove all and proceed. Then the system data will be low after doing this work.