
Showing posts from October, 2020

Take screenshot in simulator iOS

 Solution: You can take screenshot from your simulator..Open the simulator and press cmd+s Then screenshot was taken. OR You can click on menu click on menu file save then screenshot taken..

CAShapeLayer beizerpath edges not smooth objective c iOS

 Problem: ShapeLayer edges are not smooth while drawing in CAShapeLayer. Solution:   [shape  setLineCap : kCALineCapRound ]; Add the above line it will smooth the layer in the edges.

leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt crashes iOS swift

 Problem:      func   tableView ( _  tableView:  UITableView , leadingSwipeActionsConfigurati onForRowAt indexPath:  IndexPath ) ->  UISwipeActionsConfiguration ? { } While using the above funtion left to right swipe while in editing when try to swipe another time app crashed. Solution: While your tableView is in editing if you tried one more time for swipe it will conflict with the previous number of rows.So it will  be crash. Try to add the line with         if   ! tableView. isEditing  { } then only proceed with your editing otherwise ignore it..The problem  will be solved  

UITapGestureRecognizer not works iOS swift

 Solution:   let  tapGesture =  UITapGestureRecognizer (target:  self , action:  #selector (gesture Tap ( _ :)))   tapGesture. numberOfTapsReq uired  =  1   cell. img . addGestu reRecognizer (tapGesture) If you added two recognizer methods to a imageview then only one tapgesture will works. So must add only one tapgesture to a view.Then only it will works.