Solution: When your project does not added the sqlite framework then the above error will came.So try to add the framework in your project and compile it will works.
Solution: The below code is used for activity indicator in swift 4 let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView( activityIndicatorStyle: . white ) In swift 5 the below code is used. let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView (style: . white )
Solution: In swift 4 the below code is used for capitalise the first letter. String(characters.prefix(1)). capitalized In swift 5 below code is used for capitalise the first letter. let first = String ( prefix ( 1 )). capitalized
Solution: In swift 4 we are using the below code to find the characters in a particular string charactrers.count In swift 5 we are using the below code string.count
Solution: The below code is used in swift 4.In swift 5 it shows as error. Swift 4: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect( relativeFrame, self.touchAreaEdgeInsets) swift 5: relativeFrame. inset (by: self . touchAreaEdgeInsets ) Relative frame is known as the frame that you want to set the edges.
Solution: Select your project -> Select the target ->select build Settings -> in search type "swift_version" then it will show your version you had used in your app.
Solution: If you had an variable with datatypes like Int,Float,Double,Nsnumber or others then you can easily convert that into String using below method. String(describing:yourValue)
Solution: Btn.addTarget( self , action: #selector (btnPressed), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside) btnpressed function implementation will be like below func btnPressed() { }
Solution: The below functions are used for counting the number of characters in a particular string. var yourString: String = "string count" If your string will be like above then Swift 4: yourString.count Swift 2: yourString. characters.count Swift 1: Count(yourString)