Sort an NSMutablearray using custom objects in Objective C
Solution: Sort an NSMutablearray having two types.One is NSComparison Method and another one is NSSortdescriptor method. NSComparison Method: - ( NSComparisonResult ) compareArray :( NewMember *) otherObject { return [ self . birthDate compare : otherObject . birthDate ]; } NSArray * sortedArray = [ drinkDetails sortedArrayUsingSelector : @selector ( compareArray :)]; The array will be passed to another method with custom objects and return the greater object. NSSortdescriptor method: NSSortDescriptor * sortDesc ; sortDesc = [[ NSSortDescriptor alloc ] initWithKey :@ "birthDate" ascending : YES ]; NSArray * sortedArray = [ drinkDetails sortedArrayUsingDescriptors :@[ sortDesc ]]; The sortdescriptor method will be efficient method compare to previous one.